Shadow Visits at Ridgeview
When deciding whether Ridgeview is the right fit for your child, shadowing can be an invaluable tool in helping to make your decision. Shadowing allows your child to get a glimpse of our program and to experience the unique culture that exits within Ridgeview. This visit allows the prospective student to live out a “day in the life” of a Ridgeview student.
+ Who is eligible to make a shadow visit?
Ridgeview provides opportunities for shadow visits to prospective students going into 6th grade and above.
+ When can I schedule a shadow visit?
A shadow visit is a good way of determining whether Ridgeview is well-aligned with your family’s educational goals and values. We request that all families who are interested in having their child shadow make arrangements through the Admissions Office at a minimum of one week in advance of their visit.
+ When and where will the shadow visit begin?
Please plan on showing up with your student 5-10 minutes prior the start of school (grades 7-12 begin at 8:00am, and 6th grade begins at 8:15am.) Please check in at the Front Office – you will then be directed to Admissions where you can sign a release form and your student can meet up with their student guide.
+ What should my child wear for the shadow visit?
We encourage all shadowing students to dress in comfortable, modest attire. For 6-8 grade shadows, we suggest wearing a solid polo shirt with navy or khaki pants. Upper school students should wear conservative clothing (i.e. Khakis and a polo/oxford shirt - no logos or t-shirts. Denim is allowed on Fridays.).
+ What is included in the shadow visit?
Every visiting student will follow that Ambassador's schedule for the duration of the school day, visiting their scheduled classes, and accompanying them on breaks and lunch. We ask that you pack a sack lunch and water bottle for your child and that they bring along a book in case one of the scheduled classes has a test or work period. Every effort will be made to match a child with a student that shares their particular interests.
+ When does the shadow visit end?
Shadow visits usually end at 2:35pm. (Since the final period of the day is a study hall with no teaching occurring, this is a great opportunity to get through the parking lot before it gets crowded with after-school pickup.) If you have any time constraints, special accommodations can be made in advance.
If you would like to schedule a shadow visit for your child, please contact the Admissions Office.