The College Advising Office
The College Advising Office helps all students choose a path to pursue after graduation and make decisions best suited to their unique interests. Our students graduate prepared to thrive in a variety of colleges and universities. Ridgeview's graduates of the past five years have gone on to attend college at 69 different institutions in 31 states, as well as two other countries.
For College Admission Officers:
Click here to access a downloadable PDF of the Ridgeview School Profile.
We welcome college visits and will offer both in-person and virtual visit options this fall. Please use MaiaLearning to schedule your visit or email Mrs. Dixon.
How Can We Help?
+ About the College Advising Office
The College Advising Office helps students find the schools that best fit their individual needs. Parent information sessions begin when students are in eighth grade, and student programming starts in ninth grade. While all students and parents are welcome to use the office's resources and meet with college advisors, the formal process begins during the junior year. At that time, students are assigned a college advisor who will meet with them to discuss post-grad plans, suggest resources and schools to investigate, assist with application essays, and write letters of recommendation. The College Advising Office provides information and support throughout the application process, including application paperwork, dates of SAT/ACT testing, local college fairs, etc.
+ Our Offerings
- Guidance in Grades 10-11 (earlier if desired) about course selection and standardized testing.
- An optional course on the college and career search offered to juniors and, occasionally, seniors.
- On-Campus college visits that are open to students and parents, as well as information about area college fairs.
- Informational events for parents of juniors, parents of seniors, and parents of younger students, as well as topical presentations and meetings for students throughout the year.
- One-on-One college counseling with students and parents, through junior and senior years.
- In-house test preparation for the SAT for all juniors taught by subject-area teachers and using additional SAT preparation resources.
- Optional workshops and one-on-one support to prepare for the college application essay.
- Naviance access in junior year. Naviance is an online tool for tracking and organizing college application materials, researching different schools, and requesting teacher and advisor recommendations.
+ Request a Transcript
There is now one transcript request form for seniors using Common App and another form for all other transcript needs.
Meet the Team
Mrs. Dixon, College Advising Director
Mrs. Dixon was born in Indiana and has lived all across the contiguous U.S. She earned degrees and certificates from Carleton College, University of Colorado, Harvard University, and UCLA. She enjoys spending time on the trails around Fort Collins, and loves to study American and Latin American history. Email Mrs. Dixon.
Mr. Binder, Advisor
Mr. Binder is originally from Chicago and has earned degrees from Concordia University and St. John’s College. As a college advisor, he helps students find the best 'fit' in terms of college by considering the rigor, location, and campus culture of potential schools. Throughout the application process, Mr. Binder is available to provide assistance and support. Email Mr. Binder.