Spring Break Extended Through March 27

Dear Ridgeview,

In accordance with Poudre School District and in an effort to keep our Ridgeview community safe and healthy, Ridgeview will extend Spring Break for our students by one extra week (no tele-learning will occur during the second week). Spring Break will now run from March 16-27. 

This means that both teachers and students will be off and out of the building for two weeks. Everyone is currently scheduled to return to Ridgeview on March 30, though please ensure that you are monitoring your emails from the school in order to be up-to-date with the latest information. We still encourage everyone to bring home all of their books as they leave for break in case our time out is extended.

Please have a healthy and relaxing time off, and we look forward to seeing you all at the end of March!

With kind regards,

Mr. Anderson and the RCS Administration


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