Join our Weekly Parent Book Group via Zoom on April 1 at 8AM

Cyropædia, or The Education of Cyrus, written by Xenophon around 370 BC can be read as the education of the ideal ruler. The weekly parent reading group will be discussing Book I of Xenophon’s text. We are fortunate to be joined by Dr. Wayne Ambler, the translator of the edition we are reading. Dr. Ambler was generous enough to offer to join us via Zoom for this discussion and introduce the text to us and pose some thoughtful questions for us to discuss.

If you have not had the opportunity in the past to join us in these discussions, we are hopeful that this new format will be more convenient than ever. For those of you who have loyally attended weekly reading groups, I hope that the technology, and sadly, the absence of coffee, will not put you off continuing to attend. I look forward to seeing and hearing you all this Wednesday, April 1 at 8:00 a.m. Please check your email for the Zoom invitation link.

D. Anderson, Principal


An Education Interrupted


Valborgsmässoafton has been Cancelled