2020-21 Opening FAQ

After the recent Principal’s Briefings, we have compiled the following list of frequently asked questions about Ridgeview’s opening plan for the 2020-21 academic year. Due to ever-changing conditions from Covid-19, the information presented below is subject to change.


Will Ridgeview host a Back to School Night? 

We are evaluating the possibility of hosting a Back-to-School Night-type event via Zoom for the elementary students. More information will be available soon. New upper school students and 7th grade students should contact Mrs. Hayhurst if they wish to participate in an orientation event. There will not be a Back-to-School Night for upper school students. 

What will the Kindergarten schedule look like? 

Kindergarten will occur as normally scheduled with the exception that students will not attend in-person every Friday. Instead, each cohort will attend one full Friday per month in order to meet seat hours. Student activities will be uploaded to the LMS and students will be expected to work on and upload these assignments on Fridays and a schedule will be released shortly so that parents may plan ahead.

In the hybrid plan, would the upper school be on a block schedule or a regular 40-minute schedule? 

Upper school would be on a regular 40-minute schedule. There will be no double periods.

Would teachers also be separated into cohorts, or will they teach between both cohorts?

Teachers will teach both cohorts.  

What are the parameters for shutting down the whole school and reverting to 100% remote learning? 

This is determined by the state and/or county. 

Is there a dress code for masks? Do masks have to be purchased from Lands’ End?

Masks do not need to be purchased by Lands’ End. Masks must be clean and in good repair and fit the face snugly but comfortably. Masks may not have an offensive or inappropriate pattern and should be in neutral colors or muted patterns. Please ensure that your student(s) comes to school with extra masks. 

If I opt to send my student to school in-person but change my mind after the first week, can I switch them to remote?

All parents must notify the school no later than August 25 if they will opt for hybrid or remote learning. Once a selection is made, students must remain in either the hybrid or remote model for the duration of the quarter. If a hybrid cohort or student is exposed to COVID or develops any sickness (not limited to COVID symptoms), we expect those students to immediately revert to the remote option until they are cleared to return in-person. Please email Mrs. Houdesheldt to notify us of your selection. 

Are parent volunteers allowed in the building? Am I allowed to observe my child’s classroom?

Per state regulations, parents are not allowed in the classrooms at this time. 

Is the school supply list different if you are doing online only?

No, the school supply lists will remain the same for hybrid and remote students. If your student will be remote, please use your best judgement as which supplies they will need. If you think that your student may switch to the hybrid option at the end of the quarter, we recommend buying all school supplies. 

How much recess and lunch time will the students receive? 

Students will have time built into their schedules for outside time, recess, hand washing, and mask breaks. This time will be determined by the individual teachers. This also applies to remote students. 

If a student in a cohort tests positive for COVID, how will the parents of other students be notified? Will the entire cohort have to quarantine for 14 days? 

Yes, parents will be notified if a student in their child’s cohort tests positive for COVID (the student’s name and other private information will not be released). It is likely that the entire cohort would have to quarantine for 14 days, but this is a requirement passed down from the county and may change over time. 

How will the school differentiate between colds/flu/GI illness vs. COVID? Is there a chance a cohort could be put on quarantine if a student is symptomatic but then turns out to be strep throat? 

Unfortunately, unless a person is tested for COVID, we do not have a way of knowing if a student becomes ill with COVID or the common cold. Any and all persons with any sick symptoms will be asked to stay out of the school building. 

Will the school offer COVID testing? Will students be tested for COVID every time one student in their cohort shows symptoms of illness?

The school will not offer COVID testing. Parents will be asked to use their judgement as to whether or not a student needs to be tested. If you, your student, or someone you are in contact with tests positive for COVID, please alert the school immediately. 

Will the online option be recorded or live streamed?

Classes will simultaneously be recorded and live streamed. Students will be required to log in at the beginning of each class for attendance purposes, but if they are not able to sit through the entire class at that time they may watch the recorded video. 

Will the uniforms be required to come from Lands’ End, or could off-brand be allowed as some families may still be trying to recover financially?

The Lands’ End uniform is required for students in Kindergarten through eighth grade. If this poses a financial hardship for your family, please contact Mrs. Correll for uniform assistance. (Used uniforms are available for sale at the school for a reduced cost). 

What is the dress code for students who opt to attend remotely?

Remote students will be required to follow the dress code. 

Will upper school students still have lockers, or a locker mate?

No, due to social distancing requirements, upper school students will not have lockers. Students will be allowed to bring their backpacks to class and will bring materials that are needed only for that school day. 

Is the Ridgeview remote option different from PSD Online? Or is that being offered in partnership with them?

Ridgeview’s remote learning option is our curriculum and is not offered in conjunction with PSD’s Online or Global Academy. 

Can the mask requirement be by grade instead of age so that half of a grade isn't required and half is?

Colorado’s state order requires that all students age 10 and over wear a mask in public places, including at school. Due to the fact that grade four has students aged 9 and 10, all students in grades four and up will be required to wear a mask. 

Will Ridgeview offer before and after-school care?

Yes, Ridgeview will continue to partner with After-School Kindness (formerly First Choice A.S.K.) For more information, please contact them directly at (970)-833-5494.

Do we have a choice of A or B cohorts to work around parents’ work schedules?

Cohorts will be determined by students’ last names in order to keep siblings in the same cohort. Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate schedule requests for work schedules, pods, etc.


Miss Grace to Serve as New Athletic Director


Upcoming: Principal's Briefing