Medical Forms for 2024-25

Please click the title of a form below to download a PDF. All forms must be signed by a physician to be valid.

If your child needs to take any medication during school hours or on an Outdoor Education trip, you will need to fill out one or more of the forms linked below.
Please be aware of the follow regulations:

  • Colorado law requires that we have signed forms for any medication that your child will take at school or bring on a trip, regardless of if that medication is prescription, over-the-counter, or an herbal supplement.

  • Students may not take medications that we do not have completed forms for, and we are not allowed to administer any medication that is not authorized by both a parent/guardian and the child's health care provider.

  • If they wish to self-carry any medication, they will need a Medication Self-Carry Contract and a Permission for Medication Administration Form for each medication.

  • These rules still apply even if the student is over the age of 18.

  • These forms are valid for a full school year.

Permission for Medication Administration Form
One of these will need to be filled out for every medication (prescribed or over-the-counter) that your child will take at school or bring on a trip. This includes any medication that they will self-carry. It must be completely filled out, then signed by both a parent/guardian and the child's physician for it to be valid.

Medication Self-Carry Contract
This form must be filled out and signed if your child wishes to carry their own medication/inhaler/EpiPen with them. A separate form is needed for each medication that your child wishes to self-carry. (Please note that students are not permitted to self-carry controlled substances such as Adderall and Ritalin. These must be kept in the Health Office or with a delegated faculty member on trips.)

Asthma Care Plan
If your child has asthma and uses medication, this form must be filled out and signed by your child's health care provider.

Allergy Care Plan
An in-depth overview for any allergy history, triggers, symptoms, and treatment.

Allergy History and Symptom Form
This form is optional, but will provide us with a more complete view of your child's allergy history, triggers, symptoms, and treatment.

Medications and paperwork should be dropped off at the Health Office. If you are sending medications on an Outdoor Education trip, please do this well before the morning of the trip to ensure that the Health Office has sufficient time to check everything over before the trip departs.

Only the most commonly used forms are listed here; if you have other questions or believe you need a different form, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Carvalho.