Spirit Week 2017
The week before Ridgeview’s Homecoming dance is known as Spirit Week. This year that week was October 9th-13th. For students, this meant that there was not only an opportunity to dress as we otherwise wouldn’t, but also a chance to bond with each other and get a good laugh when our classmates wore ridiculous fashion or looked like they were 80 years old.
This year, Monday’s theme was Character Day. Students were dressed as their favorite character from the Ridgeview curriculum.
Tuesday’s theme was Fashion Disaster Day. Students came to school with the worst fashion possible (this time we all had an excuse for it).
Wednesday’s theme was Decades Day and students came dressed from the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s as hippies, disco dancers, and hip hop kings and queens.
On Thursday, students raided their grandparent’s closet to look like old people for Grandparents Day.
Finally, on Friday, we celebrated our Ridgeview Spirit Day in blue and gold. We ended the day with a pep rally before our Homecoming game.
We have spent the week preparing for Homecoming and getting excited for it. However, we must not forget the more important aspect of Spirit Week. Spirit Week allows us all, as a student body, to band together and enjoy something. It allows us to show our pride for Ridgeview; it allows us to get excited, not only about Homecoming, but about our school as a whole.