2022 Salutatorian Address
A graduation is a time for anticipation, for looking forward to the phase of life just beginning, eager to experience that which is yet to come. It is also a time for solemnity, for recognizing that which is left behind as we begin a new journey and holding it close before it is time to move on. Perhaps most importantly, however, it is a time for gratitude, to remember those who brought us to this momentous event of our lives and to thank them for the gift of being, the gift of becoming. It is my honor today to give voice to my class’s gratitude and to my own. To our beloved teachers: We are grateful to you for the knowledge you have imparted to us, for the lessons learned, and skills gained. More than that, we are grateful for the depth of understanding and rigor of thought with which we have been taught. We have not only recited Shakespeare and Homer from memory, but understood the context, meaning, and importance of the words we spoke. We not only studied the principles of geometry, but wrote proofs for them. We have not only seen a Van der Graaff generator, but been electrified by one. It is thanks to you that we are capable of understanding and applying the laws that rule our world, of discussing the events of our past to gain understanding of the present, of writing and speaking intelligently about great philosophical questions. Nor is this where our knowledge will end, for you have taught us curiosity. You have shown us the wonders to be found in every aspect of our world, and so have taught us never to be satisfied with what we know, but to seek out the truth of the world, as, though the worlds we enter will be varied, we shall approach each with a shared inquisitiveness, asking questions upon questions, seeking out answers wherever they are to be found. Perhaps we will share in the knowledge of others, reading widely, carefully, and insatiably. Perhaps we will make discoveries, pushing past the boundaries of the known into all which is possible to know. Perhaps we will explore the depths of the knowledge to be found in our own minds, thinking about the infinite questions we ask ourselves. But, however our wisdom grows, it will be you who planted the seeds. We have learned from you, and we will continue learning because of you. You have given us the potential to become more than we are, and so we are grateful. We are likewise grateful for the community we are and will forever be part of. First and foremost, we must acknowledge that our families, in their wisdom, chose this path and this community for us, believing that it would be the most fertile environment in which to cultivate strong minds, healthy bodies, and good characters. At Ridgeview we have found not only knowledge but friendships. Through our adventures together, both in and out of the classroom, we have formed bonds of mutual trust and compassion that cannot be broken by absence. In our teachers, we found mentors who have guided, challenged, supported, and advised us. In each other, we have found friends that we will always cherish. We have forged bonds of camaraderie trying again and again to hold together a chain of tubes as we fell down a snowy hill, eventually succeeding; we have made memories together while decorating the school for prank late into the night; we have built friendships together as we laughed at odd things someone said in class, or at funny experiences we shared. We have learned together, explored together, and been drawn together by each moment of struggle and accomplishment. You have become my friends, and I will never forget you. Thank you, from my heart of hearts. We will soon walk out of this hall as Ridgeview’s newest graduates, the class of 2022. We will go on to different destinies, separated by fate but united by the time we spent together, and the experiences that we have shared. It will be a bittersweet parting, as farewells often are, one filled with beautiful memories and sadness for what we must leave behind. Our time at Ridgeview will then be over, but we will always carry it with us, and we will be looking forward at the times to come with some amount of trepidation, but great anticipation. But before we begin looking forward, let us take a moment to look back and appreciate in full the gifts with which Ridgeview has endowed us. Let us treasure the wisdom we have gained, and our potential to gain more. Let us cherish the community we found, in one another, in our teachers, and in our school. Let us be grateful to our families, both born and found, who guided and aided us, who supported us, and who brought us to this moment of celebration and anticipation. On behalf of the Ridgeview Class of 2022, thank you for everything. Ridgeview has set its seal upon our hearts, and we will strive to be worthy of your investment in us.