The Spring Musical

Those fortunate enough to attend a performance of Guys and Dolls this past weekend will have some sense of how much work goes into a show of this kind. That Ridgeview is able to consistently produce quality performances is due in no small part to the talent and commitment of Mr. Binder. As he was quick to note in Saturday’s final show, it would be all but impossible were it not for the many volunteers who give so freely of their time and talents. And, of course, the students must find a way to balance their academic and extracurricular commitments in such a way that nothing suffers. Those of us privileged enough to work with the students see firsthand the anxiety they labor under in the lead up to performances and the relief and elation on their faces as the show wraps up.

All of our faculty, volunteers, students, and staff deserve a round of applause for their stunning performance and the hard work that led up to it. They looked and sounded wonderful, and we are grateful to have so many students find a way in which to participate in this Ridgeview tradition.

D. Anderson


Commencement Address 2019


Why Ridgeview? A Message of Welcome from our Principal