100 Mile Club Free 26 Day Challenge
100 Mile Club is offering a free 26 Day Challenge. See details and registration link below:
Let's Keep Moving! With schools closed across much of the country, we want to help students, families, and schools continue to be active and moving, while remaining connected whenever possible.
Keep your students and families healthy and active with smart, safe exercise at home, in a park, or in your neighborhood. For 26 days (or until school resumes, whichever comes first), track your progress and aim for an average of 1 mile per day.
Our 26 Day Challenge is FREE for all to sign up and download our mile tracking sheet. A certificate celebrating your participation is also coming soon! Click the link below to sign up and download your FREE mile tracker today!
Please Note: Miles may or may not be counted towards your student's 100 Mile Club goal, at the sole discretion of your school's 100 Mile Club coach, up to a maximum of 26 miles.
Source: 100 Mile Club