On-Site CPR

Business Name: On-site CPR

Business Address: N/A

Owner Name: Debbie Campbell   

Email Address: campbell.debbie@msn.com

Contact Phone: 970-631-4617

Website: www.on-site-cpr.com 

About: On-site CPR brings all the training to you!!!

  • Workplace Training

  • Family & Friends Certification

I am the only American Heart Association Instructor in NOCO who offers this type of on-site training and certification in your home or workplace for childcare staff, families, churches, relatives, babysitters, new parents, etc. I bring my own equipment, so you don’t have to!

 I am an approved Training Vendor with the State of Colorado (meaning I am authorized to certify staff who work with children); my rates are not only competitive but affordable, and I have been an authorized instructor for 25 years now. 


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