Haley Hendrickson Photography

Business Name: Haley Hendrickson Photography 

Business Address: Fort Collins, CO (photographying on location in Northern Colorado and beyond)

Owner Name: Haley Hendrickson

Email Address: haleyhendricksonphotography@gmail.com

Contact Phone: (970) 213-5824

Website: https://www.haleyhendricksonphotography.com/

About: Haley Hendrickson Photography specializes in portrait photography, offering a wide range of sessions including family, senior, maternity, children, and engagement photos. With a passion for creative lighting, Haley combines studio lighting with the beauty of outdoor natural light to craft unique, artistic portraits. Catering to diverse needs and budgets, Haley Hendrickson Photography provides a relaxed and enjoyable experience for every client.

Instagram: @haleyhendricksonphotography  

Discount for Ridgeview Families: 15% off a Full Session (for first-time bookings)


Front Porch Inspections


Happy Home Organizing